The A-Z of Self-Love: D is for Dream Big

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the last couple of years on my self-love journey, it’s if you can dream it, you can achieve it.

If you’d told me just three years ago that I would be where I am now, I wouldn’t believe you…as I didn’t believe in myself. Today I’m using our self-love alphabet to remind you to believe in yourself, remember those big dreams inside of you and believe that they can come true. And I use the word remember, because these dreams have been inside you since birth, waiting to reveal themselves at the right moment. It’s your job to remember them and remember who you are.

Put your hand up if you have big dreams inside of you?

Put your hand up if you have fears and anxieties surrounding these dreams?

Put your hand up if you tell yourself these dreams are unrealistic and unlikely to come true?

Yep, I hear you! I was definitely that girl.

But by keeping these dreams locked up inside you, you are doing yourself a HUGE disservice. These dreams are your gifts to the world, they are the light that shines from within you. The world needs your gifts and your light, and more importantly you need them.

But of course, we have that ‘frenemy’ inside of us; the comfort zone. We think the comfort zone is our friend, because it feels safe and familiar, but actually it’s the enemy, keeping us stuck and unable to move forward. Let me tell you friends, outside of that comfort zone can be scary as hell. It can make you feel vulnerable, isolated and unsure of everything…

…but outside of the comfort zone, that’s where the magic happens.

As you’re reading this right now, I want you to remember a dream of yours. Maybe it’s one you haven’t thought about for a long time, maybe it’s one you think about all the time, or maybe it’s a brand-new dream you’re just remembering. Maybe it’s a dream that ignites a fire in your belly, fills you with excitement and makes you smile from ear to ear. Maybe it’s a career goal, a desire to travel, a home aspiration or the longing to start a family, let it arrive naturally into your mind with no judgement, fear or pushing it away.

Whatever dream is in your head right now, that’s the one you need to take action on.

You are more than capable of achieving this dream.

You are supported by friends, family and the universe to achieve this dream.

You were born to achieve this dream.

You can start making this dream come true for yourself today.

You have everything you need inside of you to achieve this dream.

You are worthy to dream this big.

You completely deserve to have this dream come true for you.

And most importantly…

You CANNOT fail in achieving this dream.


I hear those thoughts in your head:

What if I fail?

What if I can’t do it?

What will everyone think of me?

What about money?

What about my job?

What if everything goes wrong?

Well, as someone who has done her fair sharing of big dreaming over the last couple of years, let me tell you this truth bomb YOU CANNOT FAIL. Your dream may change, take a different direction or manifest as something else along the journey. There will be plenty of obstacles and bumps in the road, but eventually the dream will come true. It may even look completely different to what you imagine now. But think of all the knowledge you will learn, the relationships and connections you will make, the things you will learn about yourself…

…and that my friends, is worth dreaming big for!

So, what are you waiting for? Your big dreams are ready for you. Right now.

It’s time to dream big.