Welcome to my
Self-Love corner of the internet…
Here is my self-love journey so far…
11 years old. That was the first time I can remember that feeling of wanting to hide myself and wanting to change myself. I was a sassy little girl at my Year 6 Leavers BBQ wearing my favourite Tammy Girl outfit (remember Tammy Girl?) and my Mum had even let me borrow some of her make-up. It’s safe to say I was feeling myself.
But this was very short-lived as some girls in my class made fun of me for what I was wearing and laughed at my make-up. I was mortified and humiliated. And that was the moment I vowed never to put myself out there like that again.
My teens and early twenties were a vicious cycle of dieting, trying to slim down into smaller sized clothes and trying to fit in with everybody else; not having my own voice, my own opinions or my own identity.
I dimmed my own light.
Fast forward to six years ago and everything changed…
Through books and social media, I discovered self-love and it changed my life. It was the catalyst for my self-love journey and me switching my light back on. I realised that I was so much more than the way I looked, diets are a load of bullshit and most importantly, that I was a pretty magical and special person.
In the last six years, I’ve learnt so much about self-love and so much about myself:
I quit many jobs which were making me unhappy
I retrained as a yoga teacher and followed my dream of running my own business·
I’ve created and grown my own unique message of self-love and body positivity
I’ve run my own self-love yoga classes, workshops and retreats
I haven’t dieted and more importantly, I haven’t felt the need to
I’ve accepted my body and learned to love her exactly as she is
I’ve made peace with food
I haven’t been afraid to be my authentic self
I’ve switched my light back on permanently
Sounds good right?
I know how miserable it was living a life that didn’t feel like mine. Constantly unhappy with myself and trying to change myself. Which is why I want to help as many people as possible to embrace self-love and more importantly, embrace themselves for exactly who they are.
Through my coaching, yoga, events and retreats:
I want to hold space for you to meet yourself exactly where you are.
I want to support you to be nothing more than your authentic self in every way possible.
I want to support you to switch your inner light back on.
I want to support you to embrace self-love in your own way.
I want to help you to create a personal, life-long self-love practice.