The A-Z of Self-Love: E is for Enough...

…because you are enough!

This is probably one of the biggest lessons we have to learn on our self-love journey. One of the biggest problems why we find self-love difficult is because we believe that we are not whole or complete and we need to be before we can love ourselves.

But then how do we make ourselves feel whole or complete?

External validation – that’s how!

We look for external things that will make us feel whole and happy again. Things like relationships, sex, food, alcohol, exercise, retail therapy etc. Do any of these resonate with you?

But let me tell you a secret…none of these things are going to give you the satisfaction and sense of wholeness that you crave. Do you know what will? Self-acceptance.

Accepting yourself for exactly who you are right now, and believing you are enough will give you the sense of happiness and wholeness that you seek from external resources. The answers aren’t outside of you for you to find. They are inside of you to rediscover. All of the answers and solutions you seek are already inside of you. Once you begin to accept yourself for who you are right now, those answers will become clearer and clearer. Trust me – I’ve been there. I used to use food, exercise, money and my career to make me feel whole and important. The truth is, they didn’t make me feel that way at all. I kept believing they did, so kept chasing them and chasing that feeling, but it never really came. I only started to feel whole and complete once I accepted myself for exactly who I was.

You are most authentic and most powerful when you are just you. Not you trying to be anyone or anything. Just you. No trying. No forcing. No fitting into a box. That light inside you shines brightest when you let go of all that control, and just surrender to exactly who you are.

Of course, I’m not saying to never make any changes to who you are. Self-development and growth is extremely important. So, yes make these changes, but allow them to come from a place of love and acceptance for yourself. Not from a place of fear, hate or scarcity. You are an ever-evolving human so allow yourself to change and grow at your own pace.

You are not broken. You do not need fixing. You are already whole.

You are enough.