My Self-Love New Year Ritual

(How I celebrate the New Year from a place of love without the ‘new year, new me’, ‘go on a diet’, ‘positive vibes only’ bullshit!)

Whilst I really don’t buy into any of the “New Year, New Me” pressure that always seems to fly around this time of year (I am enough just as I am thank you and I intend to stay that way into 2021), I do like to take time just before the New Year to reflect and manifest. Reflect on the highs and lows of the year just passed and manifest my ideal 2021, whatever that may look and feel like. For me, this is a bit more than just jotting a few notes down on a piece of paper. I know that some people will have their own New Year rituals, but I also know some people haven’t got a clue where to start. Which is why I have decided to share with you all my 5-part New Year Ritual. Hopefully it will give you some inspiration and guidance to your own New Year reflections and manifestations. You can use it as I do and complete all 5 parts or just pick the parts which resonate with you the most. There really are no rules – it’s your life after all. And don’t worry if you don’t find time to do this before midnight on December 31st; I’m pretty sure the New Year magic lasts all the way through January and beyond… 

And as a little side note, it’s absolutely okay if you haven’t achieved anything in 2020 other than surviving. It’s been a tough year and just being here now exactly as you are is more than enough.

Let’s get started, shall we?

Before You Start:
I suggest finding a nice quiet, distraction free space where you can really focus and create magic – put your phone away for a bit. You will need a comfy chair, journal and a pen, a deck of oracle cards if you have them and of course, a drink and snacks (because snacks are life!) You may wish to include any other items you would use for rituals such as salt lamps, candles, crystals etc. And of course, put on your favourite music – my soundtrack will be Beautiful Chorus.

Part One – Reflect:

Answer these questions as fully as you wish in your journal.

1. What are you proud of yourself for in 2020?

2. What are you letting go of in 2020?

3. What is your ONE WORD for 2020?

Part Two – Manifest:

Answer these questions as fully as you wish in your journal.

1.     How do you want to feel in 2021?

2.     What can you invite more of into 2021?

3.     What will be your word for 2021?

Part Three – Letter:

Write a future letter to yourself dated December 31st, 2021.

Tell yourself how proud you are for all of the amazing things you have achieved in 2021.

Really write it as if all of these wonderful things have already happened.

Put it somewhere safe, read it to yourself this time next year and be amazed at all of the magic you have created.

Part Four – Card Pull:

Use your favourite oracle/tarot card deck to do a 12-month card pull for 2021.

Pull 12 cards, one for each month and write them down in order. Then pull 1 card which will be your card/theme for the whole of 2021. 

At the beginning of each month in 2021, go back to your journal and see which card you pulled. Use that as your theme for the month ahead.

Part 5 – Meditate:

Find somewhere quiet and distraction free where you can go and meditate however long you need. I usually go for about 30mins.

Visualise your next 12 months, one month a time. Really visualise what will happen, how it will feel, what you can see and what you can hear. Feel into it with all of your senses.

After visualising each month, repeat a mantra to yourself to seal the intention such as “I can. I will. Watch me” or “And so it is” or anything that works for you.

Finally, thank the universe for everything that has happened FOR you in 2020 and everything that will happen FOR you in 2021. Remember to be specific so the Universe can really hear you.
So, there you have it. My 5-part New Year Ritual from a place of love. Here’s a couple of final words of wisdom from me:

·      Stay in your own lane.

·      Focus on how you/your life FEELS over how you/your life looks.

·      Practice with kindness and self-enquiry always. 

If you have any questions, you can find me hanging out over on Instagram @selflovesarah_ or email me at

Love, Light and a Very Happy, Magical and Abundant New Year,  

Sarah xxx